Friday, 15 May 2009

Prom Practice

Prom Practice
Originally uploaded by bassettsfarm

So, here is my "baby" girl, Grace, last night. We had a practice for her Prom - which is tonight. She wanted me to do her hair and to try her lovely dress on. She looked just beautiful - and even more gorgeous this evening when she got dressed up for real.

I have neglected my blog terribly these last few weeks. I do apologise. I've been really busy with one thing another - and you will be seeing lots of the new cakes and cookies and cuppies that I've been making over the coming days.

I have been making lots of cakes - only for pleasure and for friends still - but I love the practice it allows me.

I just wanted to show everyone my lovely girl - she will be 16 in about a month's time and I am looking forward to it - but dreading it at the same time. It makes me feel so old, to have such a young lady as a daughter. She is ater prom as I write this and I just know she is having such a fantastic time.

I shall give a full report tomorrow - but for now I must go to sleep before my eyes do on their own!!


1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful girl and a beautiful dress. I looked at all the shots on flikr. All the girls looked lovely. I hope they had a great time!
